confession (25/8/09)


Today I want to confess the fact.. I love movie base on imagination… u know like superman, ultraman, or hindustand..before this I think it a shame if people know I like this kind of movie. It like mcn “ x macho r tgk citer jiwang2 ngarut2 ni” huhu.. but I cannot denied it anymore. mybe becoz I m a lefthanded. U know , people said if I use my left hand it means that I using more of my right brain. I read once, in blog named imotivasi. People who use more of their right brain is someone like this:

*Berfikir secara kreatif
*Intuisi (gerak hati)

mm.. I have to agree. Even though I know nothing about melody but I was always sway with song and music. Music somehow makes me think beyond whom i really am, in real life. Sometimes it makes me feel so passionate and enthusiastic. the truth is it always make me feel like that..hehe.. the scene is like when u see hisdustan movie. When the heroes fight, the background music also plays. I guess that how I feel.

In my daily life, I dream a lot. In my dream I become totally 100% different from my real life. I became someone I cannot show or appear in reality. But I always believe all those dream are achievable. And it is.! It just me who fail to transfer it to real world. Why? I found that there is a very strong and big barrier. Something within me. Maybe my fear or maybe my pride or maybe my past… it like Great Wall of China. Until this moment I m still searching for the cure.

How this effect me.?. is it good to have this habit.? It not good actually. But to stop it is impossible.! One said u need to dream before you want to archive the thing. It start with dream. So, maybe is not bad after all. It just, I have to be able to control it.

p/s ; I wrote this after I watch hindi movie title rab ne bana di jodi.

Very nice n cute story. The heroes is so Nerd ! The heroin is so beautiful and vogue. The fate unite them. their marriage are not like others. Only the husband loves the wife. the wife are not attracted at all to the husband. The husband is so kind. In order to get his wife’s love, he change who he is in real life. Become someone with new identity and character. The hard work seems to work but the problem is, to the wife, the husband and the new man are different person. She fall in love with new man. One day she meet the new man and admit her love to him. The new man who is her husband feel sad inside. He was hoping that her wife will love his real self. Since he love her so much, he willing to let go another side of him. And become character that he create. They deside to run away after the final dance competition. before the time come she pray to god to show him who should he gave her life to. when the time come, she change her mind. She told the new man she cannot leave her husband. On the competition, when the turn of the new man and the heroin, the new man reveal himself. she shock n while they dance, she start to realize who is he. Her husband.!!


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