the begining 27/8/09

1st like to say sorry for my really broken English. I m in process of improving myself.. may Allah help and guide me to be better person. I seek from him forgiveness and guidance throughout my life in this world.

I start to like blog very much. It motivate me to seek knowledge. It makes me want to look for more information. In lot of aspect.. and now I start to love reading. Through blog I belief people reveal character that they cannot show it in real life.. or they cannot express it in reality. Or they don’t have a chance to do it.

Today I read 2 books. But not yet finish. Hehe..just start few pages. The first one is RICH DAD POOR DAD write by Robert Kiyosaki … the second one is NAK KE TAK NAK Dr. HM. Tuah Iskandar Al Haj. The first book talks about how to be millionaire. He told a lot of story of his life that surely amaze me. Now I realize how successful people think. The value that he hold are all similar to Islamic teaching. In one part it said.. when he meet people, if the person did not smile he will start the smile and asking how r u.. etc.. as we know in islam, prophet Muhammad s.a.w. will always do that when he meet the companion. And we are always encourage to do that right? And in other part, he belief by giving help to other people even though when he is in poor condition he will get back more. In Quran

Hendaklah orang yang mampu memberi nafkah menurut kemampuannya. dan orang yang disempitkan rezkinya hendaklah memberi nafkah dari harta yang diberikan Allah kepadanya. Allah tidak memikulkan beban kepada seseorang melainkan sekedar apa yang Allah berikan kepadanya. Allah kelak akan memberikan kelapangan sesudah kesempitan. ( al-thalaq :7)

They are other examples of values that is in line with islam. He is non muslim. But he hold al lot of Islamic value. so, why many muslim cannot become successful like him? In my opinion, ( with my observation and ilmu yang cetek ) 1st because they don’t follow the teching la.. beside that, we follow the value but do we know wisdom behind that.? Some will say yes, final think to be consider. Do we ever thing how we can get benefit from all this values.? In order to see the opportunity behind all this values, we have to use our my second book that I rad said.
“ kelebihan burung pada kepaknya,kelebihan gajah pada kekuatanya dan kelebihan manusia pada akalnya”.
That it for now.. need to sleep.. exam is just around the conner.. I will continue to write more about the book and my opinion next time.


  1. Dear Eida,

    What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge and to tolerate ambiguity. Learning without thought is wasting time and thought without learning is perilous.

    We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction. Wish u best of luck in ur learning process. Take care.



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