My most horrible bufday ever….30/08/09

My most horrible bufday ever….30/08/09

It’s all start with drinking a cup or maybe 2 of Nescafe. Then I received call from friends wishing me hepi belated bufday. Then bufaday song from my rumet and x-rumet. Thanx to all of them. the cruel fact, I never remember people bufday yet still they remember mine. Feel so guilty.!!! They offer me to watch movie. Ghost movie they said. Ok. fine la.. I pun agree. Skali when the movie start.. ayo… 18 and all the above 18 lah….sudah! bulan puasa ni.!. but since it open, we continue to watch but we drag/skip the sx nye part la. that part only at the beginning. No ghost at all, it just a a group of rich and crazy people torturing and killing innocent and what they call “loser” people. OMG!! Seeing how they torture those victims is so scary! So gross! so mean! so xada hati perut!!. After finished the movie.. I guess around 3 am. Nak trus tido.. skali crita td dok bermain di fikiran!! Bukan gua sorang tp semua yg tengok citer tu lah.. dok remember how cruel the killers is. So geram la kt killers 2.. sampai xleh tido. + minum Nescafe le. Then u know what happen. i went to take wuduk and sleep with my friend sbb cam takut le. But malangnya… we all cannot sleep. Pusing kanan, pusing kiri, pusing bawah, pusing atas, still cannot sleep. Until my friend came and ajak sahur. That time is 5 am.. huhu! So, bagun la makan ape je yg ada. Bread + kurma+ hot milo. Then, g ambk air smbyang and pakai telekung tunggu masuk subuh… wah! Baik giler r tunggu masuk waktu subuh.. xpenah2 ni.. thanx sbb xleh tido r.. xkan nak thanx kat crita 2 plak kan.! Haha. After subuh then we all make it to sleep. Feel so tired. Moral of the story. Xyah lah wat benda2 ngarut n xde paedah bulan puasa ni…


  1. idaaaaaaaaaaaaa....smpi ati ko ckp bufday ko da worst ever....hohoohoho...ko tau x aku ikhlassssssss....wawawawawaw

  2. aini... !! jgn salah paham! ko dan kawan2 kita adalah hadiah bufday terbaik aku untuk selamanya! korang pada aku adalah hadiah dari Allah! i love u girls!


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